3555 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills
Request a free consultation
Samantha M
Certified Pilates Instructor
Samantha is a STOTT Certified Instructor. She has been teaching Pilates for years. She can integrate the chair, reformer and mat depending on a client's needs and goals. Outside of teaching Pilates classes and working with clients individually, Samantha is a Professional dancer in the Twin Cities. She is currently dancing with TU Dance in their CULTIVATE Program. She has earned her Bachelor of Art in Dance and Visual Art from the University of Minnesota.
Ever since she was young, Samantha has always been moving and dancing. She found that Pilates really helps her stay strong and supports her in her dance training. She believes that Pilates is a great way for all bodies to stay strong and flexible as well as keep in tune with your body and what it needs to stay healthy.
Her knowledge of dance inspires her Pilates work. She enjoys working with clients of various ages and abilities.