3555 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills
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Balance for Life offers many options for Yoga-classes, private sessions, partner sessions. You can participate indoors, outdoors or via zoom online.
Your first class is FREE at Balance for Life
All classes are taught by a Certified Yoga Instructor
All classes are small 2-6 people
BFL does provide mats but we also sell mats in our store.
We offer several Yoga classes:
Not sure which Yoga class is best for you? Give us a call and we can talk through the different options for you and make a suggestion based on your goals. Balance for Life also offers a 5 week Yoga Basics class.
Yoga Basics
Yoga Basics is a 5 week series class that will focus on developing your yoga knowledge. This class is great for people who are new to yoga or people getting back into Yoga. Each class will emphasize pose alignment, breath work and include modifications and prop suggestions to meet each student’s specific needs. We will add poses each week and delve into different styles of yoga. All body shapes and fitness levels are welcome and will feel successful in this class. If you have ever wondered what yoga is all about, this class is for you.
Chair Assisted Yoga
Gain strength, body awareness and flexibility in this yoga practice that uses a chair for assistance as needed. Go at your own pace and learn technique and alignment of basic yoga poses. Modifications are presented as needed and joint safety is emphasized. Stress management and a general feeling of well-being are among the positive outcomes from regular participation in this type of yoga practice.
Gentle Yoga
This gentle yoga flow class offers a safe and accessible place for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities to gain strength and flexibility in a body positive and supported environment. We will focus on alignment, slow transitions between poses and creative sequencing as we work together to explore the practice of yoga.
This class will focus the first half on strength training exercises using your own body weight, band and/or dumbbells. Following your first thirty minutes of vigorous work, your second half hour focuses on a restorative yoga flow to provide balance and flexibility to the body.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is about finding balance between the body, the mind, and the breath. This class emphasizes the individual poses and alignment. Longer held postures allow time for the body to find comfort and ease in their practice. The practice calms the nervous system and invigorates the body. Modifications are offered so that students may adapt the class to their comfort level.
Vinyasa Yoga
This is an all levels vinyasa inspired yoga class designed to move from pose to pose. The focus is on breathing through the transitions of poses that will build upon each other with a flow like quality to help increase flexibility, strength and stamina. This class is designed for all levels but you must be able to comfortably transition up and down off the floor.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a quiet, meditative practice that focuses on the passive holding of postures for longer periods of time, anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes or longer. Through mindful muscle relaxation, access is gained to the deeper tissues, such as the ligaments, fascia, and even the joints especially the hips, pelvis and lower spine. This style encourages the opening and relaxation of the body. Longer holds and focused breathing give rise to a nourishing and grounding practice. Benefits you can expect are increased mobility in the body, lowering of stress levels, more flexibility in joints and connective tissue. Suitable for all levels of students.
Private Yoga Sessions
Interested in private sessions, get started today with a free one hour consultation click here!
This is a great option for people that are not comfortable in a class or want the customization that a private session offers. Private yoga sessions are held in the group fitness room with just the instructor and the student. The instructor plans the session based on your individual needs, health history, strengths, and weaknesses. Your instructor can work with you to develop a home yoga and/or meditation practice, or work with you weekly as you build and strengthen your practice. Yoga can reduce stress, increase flexibility, tone your muscles, and focus your mind.
Benefits of Yoga
Here are some general benefits from Yoga:
Lower stress levels
Cultivate inner peace and calm, this world moves at a fast pace, it is good to calm your mind and body even if it is just for one hour of your day
Increase flexibility in the muscles and the range of motion in the joints
Improve balance
Increase strength and tone muscles
Improve posture
Increase overall energy
Improve sleep
Increase focus
Heighten mental and intuitive awareness
Increase body awareness
Improve hormonal balance
Brain synchronization and brain fitness
Whole body detoxification
Practice in a community setting increases accountability and learning
"Practice and all will come." - Pattabhi Jois
Get Started with Balance for Life Yoga
If you want Private Yoga sessions: Call 651-415-9500 to schedule a complimentary consultation session. Our staff will help you choose the right trainer for you.