3555 Lexington Ave N Arden Hills
Request a free consultation
Insurance Reimbursement
Here are the plans that we are currently enrolled in.
Print out the enrollment form, complete it and turn it into the front desk.
Grab a form from the CSR at the front desk next time you are in.
*Private sessions and classes count as a workout.
HealthPartners Access Form >
These are HealthPartners general Frequent Fitness program requirements. Program requirements may vary by employer plans. Up to 2 people per household and must be 18 years or older 12 visits monthly = up to $20 reimbursement.
UCare Access Form >
Medicare members-NO minimum visits =$30 per month reimbursement
Individual Family Plan (IFP) UCare MinnesotaCare, and UCare MA:
12 visits per month=$20 a month reimbursement
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Access Form >
Up to 2 people per household, 12 visits=$20 per month, 9 month program only =Jan-Sept
Sanford Health Plan Access Form >
Up to 2 people per household, 12 visits=$20 per month
Midco Access Form >
Up to 2 people per household, 8 visits=$20 per month
South Country Health Alliance Access Form >
SeniorCare Complete & AbilityCare: -NO minimum visits =$20 per month reimbursement
MSC+, SharedCare & SingleCare: 4 visits=$20 per month reimbursement