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Rolling Sessions

Sign up for a Private Rolling Session with an Instructor trained in the Roll Model® Method

$40 half hour $70 one hour 


All four therapy balls will be provided for your use in a private session.  You can choose to purchase your own if you would like for self-care at home between sessions. 


Sign up for a Workshop to learn more in one of our one-hour workshops-click here to see the schedule 


  1.  Intro to Rolling $35 cost of the class includes the YTU Original Therapy Balls  ($15 value)

  2.  Intro to Upper Body Rolling  $35 cost of the class includes the YTU Original Therapy Balls  ($15 value)

  3.  Intro to Lower Body Rolling $35 cost of the class include a pair of the Therapy Ball PLUS  ($15 value)


Classes are a max of 5 people


Our instructors Rhiana and Kari have completed the Roll Model® Method Training.




Different balls that are used:





















Explanation of Fascia
















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