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Balance Training and Fall Prevention at BFL incorporates our state of the art fall protection system. Our track and harness fall protection system eliminates the worry of falling and lets you focus on improving your strength and balance. If you are restricting activities due to fear of falling, we can help you develop the skills and confidence necessary to bounce back and regain control. Learn more >

1 in 4 Americans aged 65 and older fall every year, and falls are the leading cause of injuries for this age group. Improve your balance and take advantage of the Balance Training program offered at Balance for Life Fitness Center. As you get older, your body changes. Certain muscles may not have the same level of functionality. So, it’s important to make balance training a part of your routine.


Balance training could save your life

We understand how important it is to maintain your independence throughout life. Our balance training program can help with that. Our balance training program will help you or a loved one stay safe and remain active.

  1. Get started with a FREE Balance Assessment. This will allow us to see where you are strong and what areas can be improved. Contact Us >

  2. Work with a trainer one-on-one to receive a custom balanced program. Your program will include using our balance fall protection track where you will be safely in a harness. By eliminating the fear of falling or injury you can improve your weaknesses (watch the video above to see it in action)



Don’t let the fear of falling dictate your life

Falls are the number one cause of injury among people age 65 and older.  It is estimated that one in three older adults falls each year.  Falls among older adults is a serious issue, but research has shown that many fall risks can be reduced.

Schedule Your Balance Assessment >


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